Ryoma is a first year student at Seishun Academy Middle School, where he begins attending immediately after his arrival in Japan after residing in the United States. Although only a freshman, Ryoma had already earned notoriety through winning four consecutive titles in the American Junior Tennis tournaments – all in a little over a year. Due to his nearly invincible tennis play, Ryoma has earned the label 'genius' by the age of twelve. His looks and confidence make him highly popular with girls, although he seems not to notice, having his focus exclusively on tennis.
He is an all-round tennis player with many special shots and abilities. One of Ryoma's greatest talents is his ability to learn new techniques at an amazingly fast pace.
Although he is left-handed, his famous Twist Serve is only effective when delivered from the dominant hand of his opponents (i.e. he uses his right hand when serving against right handed players). He occasionally plays tennis with his right hand as either a handicap for weaker opponents or a way to test his opponent's abilities. When the need for returning at a difficult angle or distance arises, Ryoma also incorporates the use of "nitoryƫ" or ambidexterity.
His catchphrase in the Japanese anime is "mada mada dane," literally meaning "no, not yet." Depending on the context, it can either mean "you still have lots more to work on" (to an opponent) or "it's not over yet." In Prince of Tennis's English dub, this is translated as "You still have a ways to go." Having been brought up in the United States, Ryoma is fluent in English, and in the manga and the match with Sanada in the anime, he says "You still have lots more to work on."
Ryoma can be quite cocky and arrogant at times, but is always able to back up his statements with his tennis skills. Often before a match, Ryoma will provoke his opponent. In the beginning of the series, Ryoma was not taken seriously by the other students at his school, and especially at Seigaku tennis club. It was only after he had beaten two of Seigaku's regulars that he gained respect with fellow club members.
He is an all-round tennis player with many special shots and abilities. One of Ryoma's greatest talents is his ability to learn new techniques at an amazingly fast pace.
Although he is left-handed, his famous Twist Serve is only effective when delivered from the dominant hand of his opponents (i.e. he uses his right hand when serving against right handed players). He occasionally plays tennis with his right hand as either a handicap for weaker opponents or a way to test his opponent's abilities. When the need for returning at a difficult angle or distance arises, Ryoma also incorporates the use of "nitoryƫ" or ambidexterity.
His catchphrase in the Japanese anime is "mada mada dane," literally meaning "no, not yet." Depending on the context, it can either mean "you still have lots more to work on" (to an opponent) or "it's not over yet." In Prince of Tennis's English dub, this is translated as "You still have a ways to go." Having been brought up in the United States, Ryoma is fluent in English, and in the manga and the match with Sanada in the anime, he says "You still have lots more to work on."
Ryoma can be quite cocky and arrogant at times, but is always able to back up his statements with his tennis skills. Often before a match, Ryoma will provoke his opponent. In the beginning of the series, Ryoma was not taken seriously by the other students at his school, and especially at Seigaku tennis club. It was only after he had beaten two of Seigaku's regulars that he gained respect with fellow club members.
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