Oishi is a third year student at Seishun Academy Middle School (Seigaku) and the vice-captain of the tennis club. Along with Eiji Kikumaru he is part of Seigaku's "Golden Pair," a doubles team that made it to Nationals the year before the series takes place. His special shots include the "Moon Volley." This shot is a topspin lob that travels very high and lands just inbounds. Oishi is calm and rational in a match, and while he is not the greatest of singles players, as a doubles partner he is the perfect complement for the acrobatic Eiji.
Oishi is known as the mother of Seigaku, because he constantly worries and frets for the team's well-being. This doesn't mean that he cannot crack or even be mean, though; he can be as spiteful as the others, as proved when Eiji went too far with his teasing during a training session prior to the Hyoutei matches and Oishi ended up slapping Eiji to the ground in front of everyone.
He is also notable for his strange hairstyle (which changed every year) and his pet fish. In the absence of the team's captain, Kunimitsu Tezuka, Oishi reluctantly takes on the position of temporary captain.
Oishi and Tezuka initialy became friends in their first year on the club. Oishi had proposed to Tezuka that they take Seigaku to the Kantou Tournament during their time at the school, but Tezuka responded that they should go to the Nationals.
At one point, when Kikumaru was still a flashy singles player, Oishi played him and defeated him 6-4. From that point on, Kikumaru decided to play Doubles with Oishi until he could surpass him. Prior to the Kantou Tournament, Oishi's wrist is injured during an incident where he saves a pregnant woman from falling. His injury forces Takeshi Momoshiro to play doubles with Eiji Kikumaru. The match that ensues is remarked upon by Hyotei captain Keigo Atobe to be played not with just Momoshiro and Kikumaru, but with Oishi, as well - a doubles game with three.
Oishi is known as the mother of Seigaku, because he constantly worries and frets for the team's well-being. This doesn't mean that he cannot crack or even be mean, though; he can be as spiteful as the others, as proved when Eiji went too far with his teasing during a training session prior to the Hyoutei matches and Oishi ended up slapping Eiji to the ground in front of everyone.
He is also notable for his strange hairstyle (which changed every year) and his pet fish. In the absence of the team's captain, Kunimitsu Tezuka, Oishi reluctantly takes on the position of temporary captain.
Oishi and Tezuka initialy became friends in their first year on the club. Oishi had proposed to Tezuka that they take Seigaku to the Kantou Tournament during their time at the school, but Tezuka responded that they should go to the Nationals.
At one point, when Kikumaru was still a flashy singles player, Oishi played him and defeated him 6-4. From that point on, Kikumaru decided to play Doubles with Oishi until he could surpass him. Prior to the Kantou Tournament, Oishi's wrist is injured during an incident where he saves a pregnant woman from falling. His injury forces Takeshi Momoshiro to play doubles with Eiji Kikumaru. The match that ensues is remarked upon by Hyotei captain Keigo Atobe to be played not with just Momoshiro and Kikumaru, but with Oishi, as well - a doubles game with three.
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